My Family

My Family

Friday, September 16, 2011

Jack's Birth Story Continued...

We got all settled in our room at around 12am and that is when the fun began. My contractions were starting to hurt and I was dilated to a 3. Nothing really exciting happened for a while. Derak was constantly in and out of the room going to smoke or to go visit my dad, step-mom, and all my siblings that INSISTED on sitting in the waiting room the whole time. The doctor thought that my labor was going to go pretty fast and routine and said if everything went well we should have a baby before his shift ended at 7. My contractions were starting to get worse and they were making me throw up. That was not fun AT ALL. I never really thought about the possibility of that happening so it SUCKED. Derak was bothered and kept saying..I don't know what I can do to help you but your making me gag. LOL Poor guy. I was about at a 7 and decided to get the epidural. I knew that I would get it but I wanted to wait and see how much I could handle but throwing up really bothered me especially since I didn't have any food in me to begin with, I was just having the dry heaves and that is the WORST.
I wasn't worried at all about the epidural. I didn't really care if it hurt and it didn't. I felt a tingly feeling but other than that it didn't bother me. I was just so excited to feel better! Once it kicked in I tried to get some rest but I was uncomfortable. I HATE the feeling of being numb so much that I panic and I have passed out at dentist and doctors offices because of it LOL. The nurse made the comment to me that she was surprised how much the anestieologist gave me because they go by height, and I am tall but I didn't weigh as much as a normal person does. LOL thanks nurse lady. Once I was feeling really good, my family came in and kept me company.
The epidural caused my contractions to slow. I wasn't progressing any more so they asked if I wanted to take the pitocin. I didn't want to put any drugs in me if I didn't have to so I told them I wanted to wait and see what would happen. I was really trying to get some rest and I asked the nurse if it was ok if I layed on my side so she helped me since my bottom half was useless lol. Well about 5 minutes later all these machines started going crazy. The nurses rushed in and checked me and looked at the machine that was monitoring Jack's heart rate and they quickly called the doctor. He came in and checked me and they switched me to my back again. Slowly the machine stopped and everything was going back to normal. All of this happened in just a few minutes but it seemed like forever. They put a tube in me and actually put more water back in me because I had leaked so much fluid that Jack was starting to lay on his umbilical cord and it was causing him to lose oxygen. I never knew that could happen! Derak asked the doctor how he stayed so calm when something like that happens and he said that he knew he could have whisked me away for a c section and had the baby out in minutes. THANK GOD that didn't happen! Once that was over, I tried to get some rest.
 It was about 6ish and the doctor came in and told me that he was getting ready to end his shift and was surprised I wasn't ready to have Jack. He said he was going to check with his wife and see if she had plans for them and if he didn't he would come back and deliver for me. I LOVED my doctor and wanted him to be the one but I told him that if he didn't come back I understood. It was Saturday after all and it was a GORGEOUS day! A while after he left they ended up giving me the pitocin and in the next hour I was ready to push. Talk about quick!!!
The nurse came in and talked me through how to push. We pushed for about 10 minutes with her and she got me ready to go. While I was doing that they had called the doctor and told me that he was coming! I was SOO happy! The nurse's name was Casey and I will never forget how nice she was. She asked Derak and I if we had ever taken the birthing classes and we admitted that we wanted to but ran out of time. I kept asking her if I was doing everything right and she said that she was so surprised how well Derak and I were both doing together. She said we made a good team :). Once she thought I was ready, she grabbed the doctor and we started the process. I was getting SO excited to see Jack. Derak was getting so nervous. He was so good to me, helping me in every way possible. I pushed for maybe another 10 minutes and the doctor was telling me that Jack was RIGHT there but he was going to have to give me an episiotomy. I didn't care what he had to do to get Jack to me. Once we did that I pushed a couple more times and then I got to see my precious baby boy for the first time.
They layed Jack on my belly while Derak cut the cord and they took the cord blood. Jack never cried. He just looked at Derak and I and stared. I will admit that I cried, but it was more because Derak was crying because that gets me every time. ( Derak will be really mad that I told people that). I will NEVER forget the first time we got to see the little miracle we made together.

They took him away to clean him up and do all the fun stuff like sew me back together. LOL I could have cared less about any of that because I couldn't take my eyes off of Jack.

Jackson Daniel Schubert
Born at 12:18pm
6 pounds 8 ounces
18 inches of PERFECTION

I remember the nurses asking me if I wanted to hold Jack or let them take him to the nursery. Casey, my favorite nurse, looked at me while I smiled really big and said "I'll take him". Casey then told me that she KNEW I would want to take him. She told us that I was so easy to take care of and that I always had a smile on my face even through contractions. LOL I was just so excited the whole time!
Then everyone started coming in to meet our handsome little guy.

Derak and my dad celebrating :)

 Once everyone left, I got to take a quick shower and start breast feeding. Let me just tell you, I NEVER thought I would EVER breastfeed. When I was pregnant, the topic came up a few times and I was grossed out. I wouldn't even read the chapters about it in the pregnancy books. Derak and I were talking about it once and he said it was totally up to me but I should keep an open mind and at least try it when we will have the help from the nurses and if I still didn't like it I can just quit. After thinking about that, I decided to give it a try. AND I AM SO HAPPY I DID. One of the saddest days of my life was the day that I had to stop nursing! I miss it so much! It was such a bonding thing and so easy! Anyways, Jack and I both did ok with the nursing thing and we were then moved to our nice little room that we would be holed up in for two days.
SOOO many people came and visited us. I was so excited for everyone to meet him!! One person in particular was Alicia. She was sooo bummed because I OF COURSE went into labor the night before Freeburg AND New Athens Prom, so they were SLAMMED at the shop and she couldn't leave! She had to have been freaked out the whole day sitting on top of her phone! :)

Finally got to meet!! Love at first sight! lol

My handsome man
The days quickly passed and we finally got to go home. I was soo happy to get to go home that we ended up having a party. LOL really, we did. Ronnie and Robin White came over and cooked us an amazing dinner and then the people started showing up. It was nice to actually have more than 4 people in the room with us at the same time. LOL
The first day home...SO LITTLE!!!
Our family is now complete. :)
Oh! And how could I forget this little story...A few days after we got home, Derak went outside to grill some steaks for us and guess what he found....OUR DINNER THAT HE COOKED FOR US THE NIGHT WE ENDED UP GOING TO THE HOSPITAL! LOL He never took them off the grill so they were little shriveled up steaks by when you think that you have life all figured out...SURPRISE! Sometimes life doesn't always go the way you plan..but that's our life for ya! :)

1 comment:

  1. Complete...Really??? No more kiddos??? I think it's time for #2!!!!!!!
